A Daughter\’s Journey…

Real-life reflections regarding a crack-addicted father

Has It Been A Year Already? February 3, 2008

Filed under: Addiction,addiction help,drug abuse,Inspiration,Self-Help — leapoffaith @ 4:12 pm

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone and that I’m now officially 29!  I must say that although times can sometimes be difficult concerning my dad, this last year has indeed been better emotionally for all of us.  We have done a lot of healing as a family and as individuals, and although we still have a long way to go, we’re making it and, more importantly, we’re happy and thriving!

Although I don’t have time to do a full update right now, I have come across yet another song that really makes me think a lot about my dad’s addiction and helps to put things into perspective…click on the link below to check it out!

Breaking Benjamin:  Until the End


4 Responses to “Has It Been A Year Already?”

  1. Marinkina Says:

    То что бредомысли это точно 🙂
    Видно настиг творческий кризис. Мысле нет о чем писать 🙂

  2. Cederash Says:

    Помнится, кто-то выкладывал фотки…

  3. Ferinannnd Says:

    Добавил в закладки. Теперь буду почаще читать!

  4. Avertedd Says:

    Офигеть просто! Все, блин, всё знают, кроме меня

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